For a long time I've had this recipe pinned on my food board on Pinterest!
Teriyaki salmon with sriracha cream sauce, topped with green onions! What's not to love?
Especially since we caught the salmon ourselves!
Coming up on Cooking With Us - a really delicious recipe with a bit of a controversial ending (which I found funny!)
I entreat you guys to watch Hi-res, full screen, share, subscribe, and please try and make this yourselves, I would love to know your opinions!
From fresh caught to cooked up!
It's always a good sign when your husband starts out a podcast in a silly mood, right? ;)
I was pretty impressed by the size of my first-ever caught-by-me salmon!
As you can plainly see.
Also, Theron was making me laugh on the left there.
This was caught, apparently, on May 19th, stored in vacuum sealed bags and frozen.
Double the storage!
Double the storage!
First, make sure you have all your ingredients for both your salmon marinade,
as well as your sriracha cream sauce.
Shockingly, sriracha cream sauce calls for ...sriracha!
We made this first because it can be set aside at room temperature.
We subbed in Greek yogurt instead of Mayo and it worked out great!
And one and a half tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk.
And finally two to three tablespoons of sriracha.
We used three and the spice level wasn't bad at all.
Stir it up till you get this gorgeous, orange color, and set it aside.
Now to start preparing the marinade.
You need only one tablespoon of corn starch...
Whisk it with a quarter cup of water, and set it aside to add to your marinade a bit later.
Now place a sauce pan over medium heat, and add one cup of water...

A quarter cup of soy sauce (we used low sodium)...
A quarter cup of brown ginger, packed down tightly...

A quarter teaspoon of garlic powder...
Which is just basically so little!
Half a teaspoon ground ginger...
And two tablespoons of honey.
Ours is local honey from Sheboygan Falls (a town that's basically just down the road)!
Now whisk all the ingredients together and bring them to a simmer.
This is me being excited we are making home-made Teriyaki sauce for the first time ;)
Once your ingredients have begun to simmer, you can add in your corn starch and water.
Combine, and leave on medium heat, allowing the sauce to thicken.
The recipe said it would thicken in two minutes, but ours took five.
In the meantime, slice your salmon into 'salmon steaks.'
Cook the marinade until it coats the back of your spoon.
Now take it off the heat and let it cool to room temperature.
Clearly, spoons are precious commodities in our house ;)
Once the marinade has cooled, layer a bit in your baking dish, and place in your salmon.
Here are our lovely salmon steaks covered in marinade!
"There's a screen shot right there." - Theron.
"There's a screen shot right there." - Theron.
Have your oven preheated to 400 degrees.
These babies only need to cook for twenty minutes.

You can certainly baste them while they cook to make sure they stay nice and juicy!
Here is how they looked fresh out of the oven!
Now, add as much sriracha cream sauce as you want.
I didn't feel like trying to figure out a fancy way to pipe this on top, so we just spooned it on!
And added green onions, but of course!
And enjoy it!
Because he did! At least the first couple bites.
Then describe it as being really good, and ask your friends to try it for their feedback...
even if your husband acts weird b/c he knows you caught the fish yourselves.
Trust me - it really was delicious!
How can you deal with a husband who is being weird and illogical?
Smirking, I guess!
And saying, "bye"in a way that is kinda cute ;)
But remember - at the end of the day - you still love all that crazy!
And puppy kisses don't hurt either! ^^
Finally - here is my youtube cover pic! Good Times! :D
Also, it's only fair to link to the original inspiration by a clearly popular food blogger here!
As always - cook, enjoy, and have fun!
Sriracha cream sauce
Mix together:
- 1/2 cup Greek Yogurt
- 1 and 1/2 TBSP sweetened condensed milk
- 2-3 TBSP sriracha
Mix well and set aside at room temp.
Teriyaki Sauce/Marinade
First combine 1 TBSP corn starch with 1/4 cup of water. Whisk together and set aside
Over medium heat, in a sauce pan combine:
- 1 cup water
- 1/4 cup soy sauce
- 1/2 tsp ground ginger
- 1/4 tsp garlic powder
- 1/4 cup packed brown sugar
- 2 TBSP honey (we used local)
Whisk all this together and bring to a simmer.
When it is thick enough to coat the back of your spoon, add in your corn starch and water mixture, and let cook till thick enough to coat the back of the spoon. (2-5 minutes or so).
When the Teriyaki sauce is cool, place it in a bowl (or you can use ziplock baggies) with your salmon, making sure it is coated well, and put it in the fridge to marinate.
The recipe suggests 30 minutes up to 24 hours. We marinated ours for about 45 minutes, maybe a bit longer.
Preheat your oven to 400 degrees, and bake your salmon for 20 minutes, basting it with the sauce if you want from time to time.
When done, plate it, drizzle your sriracha cream sauce on top, as well as some chopped green onions, and enjoy!
Hi, welcome back to Cooking With Us.
Today we're gonna make something I found on Pinterest a long time ago. It's one of my first pins on my food board, and it's Teriyaki Salmon with a sriracha cream sauce.
And we actually caught salmon back in June with Theron's family.
And we're going to make that.
Insert photo here of the largest salmon ever, that I caught!
Um... You caught?
I'm the largest salmon...
You're the largest salmon!
Ok so we're gonna make that first.
So here is all the stuff we're gonna need for the marinade:
garlic powder, ground ginger, soy sauce, honey, corn starch, and of course brown sugar.
And then for the actual sriracha sauce we have...
sriracha, clearly...
Sweetened condensed milk, and we're using Greek yogurt in the place of mayo so we'll see how it all goes down.
So we're starting with half a cup of Greek yogurt.
We're putting one and a half tablespoons of sweetened, condensed milk.
So for the sriracha, three tablespoons - we could always add more.
Im actually - that looks, looks really good.
In this bowl, we're going to whisk together corn starch and a quart cup of water.
Only one table spoon of corn starch.
This is the corn starch and water.
Set that aside too?
Set aside, yep.
Over medium heat add soy sauce, brown sugar, ginger, garlic powder, honey, and one cup of water.
Medium heat.
Quarter cup of soy sauce.
Low sodium!
I think it's healthier.
Half teaspoon ground ginger, I'll do that.
Here's our brown sugar, that's a quart cup packed down?
It is, it's packed.
Quarter teaspoon garlic powder.
Brigly wants some brown sugar?
Two tablespoons of honey...
Local honey...
From... Where? Sheboygan Falls?
Yeah, Sheboygan Falls, so right across the street!
We whisk it together and then bring it to a simmer.
First time...
So this is what they put in Teriyaki?
Yeah this is Teriyaki sauce we're making right now.
Brigly's nose is going crazy. He's like 'sniff sniff sniff.'
Lemme see your corn starch!
And then we let this cook until it thickens.
Smells delicious, doesn't it?
It does smell good.
Smells really good.
It smells like Teriyaki sauce.
Lake Michigan salmon.
Ok our sauce has thickened up quite nicely.
Uh, it actually took us five minutes for it to thicken, but, as you can see it's thick enough, it's coating the back of the spoon.
Well now we're gonna let it cool to room temperature and once it's cool we're gonna put our salmon in it.
Ok, taste the teriyaki sauce!
That's some damn good teriyaki sauce!
It's so sweet, right?
So far so good!
Our teriyaki sauce has cooled down, as you can see...
You just want to eat it.
It tastes like candy.
Like really weird Asian -
Put a, put a thin layer on the bottom.
I know.
Deliciousness! Oh my gosh, look at that.
It's gonna be good.
It's gonna be so good.
There's a screen shot right there.
Our oven is preheated to 400 degrees already.
So it says to bake this for about 20 minutes.
That looks really good.
It's gonna be delicious!
Going in for 20 minutes.
Wee-oooh- Weee-oh Weee-oh! Wee-oh!
Twenty minutes, that's it?
That's it. It's fish, fish doesn't take a long time!
You might want to set the timer on your phone.
That's not right...
What's not?
20 minutes?
You did 19 hours...
Maybe that's 19 hours...
That's 19 hours.
Ok I can do this math.
Five... it's been 15 minutes.
Ok, oh, it's done.
We've got 5 more minutes.
Oooh,Theron, baste that salmon!
I will.
Yes my ringtone's Game-
That was Theron calling me...
to tell me the salmon is done, cause his timer went off.
Oh, it's really good.
Here's our salmon.
Interestingly, the Teriyaki sauce didn't really cook away so...
It's Teriyaki salmon.
That looks good.
That's quite all right, are you getting all this?
I am.
Tape 3!
Homemade Teriyaki sauce with fresh caught salmon and...
Sriracha cream.
Sriracha cream homemade sauce, as well.
Oh, it should be warmer.
Well we've been sitting here talking.
It's very good though.
mm! mm!
good good good!
Damn! Ok.
And all the sauces work well together?
Oh yeah.
There are bones in it!
Yeah, it's a, it's a fish...
They need bones to survive!
I think that the sriracha helps, cause to me the teriyaki sauce would be a little too sweet.
It's quite good, it's moist, the salmon's cooked well.
You guys try it and tell me what you think, OK?
I'd like to know.
So, somebody try it.
Somebody try it - No??
You like the sauces...
You just don't like the salmon cause you freaked out cause we got the salmon from -
The sauces are awesome.
That would be good on nachos with pork.
Yes, it would be good with pork.
You're scared of the fish, that's the problem!
You're scared of the fish cause we caught it!
You're scared of the salmon.
Don't make the salmon with, with uh salmon you catch from the Michigan River... Cause it doesn't ...
It's not a river, it's a lake!
It's a Great Lake.
It's a, it's a great lake.
Not that great though, cause it doesn't have good salmon.
Oh my gosh, there's nothing wrong with the salmon!
Eat it!
It tastes like really good fish, taste this!
I did. And I don't like it.
Taste one without the sauce.
Taste it.
Tell me that's not good fish! That is good fish.
It's good.
It's Okay.
It's good.
You're being weird.
You're just being weird, there's nothing wrong with it.
I don't like it.
If it came from the store, you would be fine with it.
Thanks for joining us on this episode of Cooking With Us where we learned that Theron doesn't feel comfortable eating food that we catch ourselves.
Thanks for joining us, Theron's being a weirdo. Bye.
Yeah bye.
I'm gonna make pizza!!!
It's delicious...
The salmon was caught on...
June 5th.
I thought it was June 5th...
Pretty sure.
Well maybe that's when he packaged it.
Well that would be... He went back in time?!
5-19 would be May.
Brigly Bear!
Come here Brigly.
Crescent doggy.
He's the baby!
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